Number 70, Berlin

A Story of Britain's Peril

William Le Queux

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Beschreibung zu „Number 70, Berlin“

William Le Queux's 'Number 70, Berlin' is a gripping espionage novel that follows the journey of a British spy as he uncovers a sinister plot in the heart of Germany. Written in a suspenseful and fast-paced style, Le Queux skillfully weaves together mystery, intrigue, and political espionage to create a thrilling narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Set against the backdrop of pre-World War I Europe, the novel provides valuable insights into the tensions and power struggles of the time. With its intricate plot twists and engaging characters, 'Number 70, Berlin' stands out as a prime example of early 20th-century spy fiction. William Le Queux, known for his expertise in spy thrillers and conspiracy theories, draws from his own experiences to craft a story that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. As a prolific writer and journalist, Le Queux's background in espionage and intelligence work lends credibility to the authenticity of the novel. Fans of historical fiction and espionage thrillers will find 'Number 70, Berlin' a captivating read that offers a unique perspective on the political climate of pre-war Europe.


Good Press




ca. 156





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