Gunnery in 1858: Being a Treatise on Rifles, Cannon, and Sporting Arms

Explaining the Principles of the Science of Gunnery, and Describing the Newest Improvements in Fire-Arms

William Greener

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Beschreibung zu „Gunnery in 1858: Being a Treatise on Rifles, Cannon, and Sporting Arms“

In 'Gunnery in 1858: Being a Treatise on Rifles, Cannon, and Sporting Arms' by William Greener, readers are taken on a comprehensive journey through the world of firearms in the mid-19th century. Greener's detailed analysis of rifles, cannon, and sporting arms provides valuable insights into the advancements and techniques of gunnery during this period. Written in a scholarly yet accessible style, the book serves as a valuable resource for historians and enthusiasts interested in military history and weaponry. Greener's attention to detail and historical context make this book a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the evolution of firearms technology. William Greener, a renowned gunmaker of the 19th century, brings a wealth of practical experience and expertise to his writing, adding credibility and depth to his analysis. His passion for firearms is evident throughout the book, making it a standout work in the field. I highly recommend 'Gunnery in 1858' to readers looking to delve into the fascinating world of 19th-century weaponry and the art of gunnery.


Good Press




ca. 374





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