The Albany Depot : a Farce

William Dean Howells

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Beschreibung zu „The Albany Depot : a Farce“

William Dean Howells' 'The Albany Depot: a Farce' is a comedic play that offers a satirical exploration of American society during the late 19th century. The work exhibits Howells' signature literary style, characterized by sharp wit and social commentary. Set in a train station in Albany, New York, the play follows a group of eccentric characters as they navigate romantic entanglements and societal expectations, creating a humorous and thought-provoking narrative. Howells uses humor to critique various aspects of American culture, making 'The Albany Depot' a valuable contribution to American comedic literature. As a prominent figure in the literary realism movement, Howells' work reflects his keen observations of contemporary society and his commitment to portraying everyday life with authenticity and depth. His background as an editor and critic also informs his writing, adding layers of insight and complexity to his work. Readers interested in exploring the intersections of comedy and social commentary will find 'The Albany Depot' to be a compelling and entertaining read, offering a unique perspective on American life in the 19th century.


Good Press




ca. 24





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