Death Comes for the Archbishop

Willa Cather

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Beschreibung zu „Death Comes for the Archbishop“

Death Comes for the Archbishop Willa Cather - Willa Cather described the result of her bold experimentation into advancing the art of the novel in Death Comes for the Archbishop as "altogether a new kind of thing." Reviewers, critics, scholars, and academicians have described the work in a multiplicity of terms: chronicle, character study, intimate epic, regional historical fiction, and even, in the lyrical language of one writer, "an interplay of environment and character." Such a distinctively idiosyncratic and successful endeavor was Death Comes for the Archbishop in the eyes of its creator that it moved Willa Cather—arguably one of the five best writers in America at any time during her long career—to request an increase in her standard royalty payment by one percent.

Death Comes for the Archbishop is the story of the life of Archbishop Jean Marie Latour, a French missionary. He is given the task of overseeing the diocese of New Mexico, which has just been annexed by the United States from Mexico. His flock are Mexicans who are now displaced from their country, Native Americans who are still fighting to keep their land, and Americans settling the area. The year is 1851. Latour travels to New Mexico with his friend, Father Joseph Vaillant. They travel from their mission in Sandusky, Ohio to Santa Fe. The trip takes them a year.

When they finally reach Santa Fe, the resident Mexican priests will not accept Latour's authority, and so Latour must travel to Mexico for the proper papers from the Bishop of Durango. While he is gone, Father Joseph ingratiates himself within the community. When Father Latour returns, he finds the people willing to accept him. The diocese that Father Latour has is huge in scope, and there are many priests under his authority. There are also many settlements that do not have resident priests. He must travel to attend to his people and convert the natives. His time is largely spent traveling.

Über Willa Cather

Willa Cather nació en Winchester (Virginia) en 1876, de una familia de origen irlandés, y pasó su infancia en Nebraska, en los años de la primera gran colonización de inmigrantes checos y escandinavos. Siempre activa y de espíritu independiente, estudió en la Universidad de Nebraska, donde se presentó, vestida de hombre, con el nombre de William Cather. Fue viajera, periodista, maestra, dirigió revistas; vivió durante cuarenta años con su compañera, Edith Lewis; y, cuando hubo ahorrado lo suficiente, se dedicó exclusivamente a la literatura. Admiradora de Flaubert y Henry James, así como de Turguéniev, Conrad y Stephen Crane, su primera novela, Alexan-der’s Bridge, se publicó en 1912. Al año siguiente, con Pioneros (ALBA CLÁSICA núm. L) introdujo el que habría de ser uno de sus temas centrales: el mundo vitalista de los colonos en el que transcurrió su infancia. A ésta siguieron otras novelas como Mi Ántonia (1918; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. XXXV), One of Ours (1922), que mereció el premio Pulitzer, La muerte y el arzobispo (1927), Shadows on the Rock (1931) o Lucy Gayheart (1935) y algunas exquisitas nouvelles como Una dama extraviada (1923; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. LX) o Mi enemigo mortal (1926; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. XXXII), ejemplos de un modo de escribir complejo y personal que se ganaría la admiración de escritores como William Faulkner y Truman Capote. Es autora asimismo de un gran número de relatos, reunidos en Los libros de cuentos (ALBA CLÁSICA MAIOR núm. ), y de un delicioso libro de recuerdos y ensayos, Para mayores de cuarenta (1936; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. LV). Murió en Nueva York en 1947.


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