The Wades: Jonathan Wade, D.D., Deborah B. L. Wade.; A Memorial

Walter N. Wyeth

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Beschreibung zu „The Wades: Jonathan Wade, D.D., Deborah B. L. Wade.; A Memorial“

Walter N. Wyeth's 'The Wades: Jonathan Wade, D.D., Deborah B. L. Wade; A Memorial' is a poignant and meticulously researched account of the lives of Jonathan and Deborah Wade. The book delves into the personal writings, correspondence, and historical context surrounding the lives of these two prominent figures. Wyeth's writing style is both eloquent and scholarly, transporting readers back to the 19th century and immersing them in the complexities of religious and social dynamics of the time. The book not only pays tribute to the legacies of Jonathan and Deborah Wade but also offers valuable insights into the religious and cultural landscape of the era. Wyeth's attention to detail and thorough analysis make this book a must-read for anyone interested in American history, religious studies, or biographical literature. As a respected historian and researcher, Walter N. Wyeth's work sheds light on the lives of two remarkable individuals and their enduring impact on society.


Good Press




ca. 154





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