Afoot in England

W. H. Hudson

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Beschreibung zu „Afoot in England“

W. H. Hudson's 'Afoot in England' is a captivating blend of nature writing, travel narrative, and outdoor adventure. Written in a lyrical and vivid style, the book takes readers on a journey through the English countryside, exploring the beauty of the landscape, flora, and fauna. Hudson's detailed observations and deep connection to nature make the book a timeless classic in the genre of nature literature, providing a rich and sensory experience for readers. Set in the late 19th century, 'Afoot in England' reflects the Romantic tradition of writers finding solace and inspiration in the natural world. The book also serves as a valuable historical document, offering insights into the English countryside during this period. W. H. Hudson, a renowned naturalist and author, drew from his own experiences and love for the natural world to create this masterpiece. His profound understanding of nature and keen eye for detail shine through in every page of the book, inviting readers to appreciate the beauty of the English landscape. 'Afoot in England' is a must-read for nature enthusiasts, travel aficionados, and anyone seeking a deeper connection to the natural world.


Good Press




ca. 236





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