Glory to Ukraine: Speeches of President Zelenskyy

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

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Beschreibung zu „Glory to Ukraine: Speeches of President Zelenskyy“

Glory to Ukraine (Slava Ukraini) is a Ukrainian national salute, known as a symbol of Ukrainian sovereignty and resistance. This phrase became very popular among Ukrainian soldiers and their supporters to boost morale following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It has been used in speeches by numerous Ukrainian politicians including President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. This edition brings all the speeches president Zelenskyy delivered since the invasion started and they describe the determination of Ukrainians to defend their land from Russian aggression in the best possible way.
Main Facts About the Russian Invasion
The History of Russia's War in Ukraine: Military and Intelligence Aspects
Speeches of President Zelenskyy:
Thank you to everyone who, despite constant Russian shelling, is doing everything so that Ukrainians can live normally – address of President of Ukraine, 2 December 2022
We will guarantee spiritual independence to Ukraine - address by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, 1 December 2022
We are analyzing the intentions of the occupiers and preparing a countermeasure - even more powerful than now - address by the President of Ukraine, 30 November 2022
For Russia to be held to account for aggression, a Special Tribunal is needed, and we are doing everything to create it - address by the President of Ukraine, 29 November 2022
Ukraine will become a role model of reconstruction - President addressed the General Assembly of the International Bureau of Expositions regarding the holding of Expo 2030 in Odesa, 29 November 2022
Ukraine will never be a place of devastation - address by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, 28 November 2022
It is in Ukraine that the global fate of democracy will be determined – address of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to US senators and the Yale community, 29 October 2022
Russia is trying to make the Kherson region literally an exclusion zone; the world must react to this - address by the President of Ukraine, 28 October 2022
Today we remember the expulsion of the Nazis, approaching the expulsion of the Rashists - address by the President of Ukraine, 28 October 2022
Ukraine needs victory over Russia, in particular in energy sphere – address of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, 26 October 2022
The sooner peace is achieved in Ukraine thanks to our victory, the less evil Russia will bring to other regions - address by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, 25 October 2022
The return of the Ukrainian flag to Crimea will mean the restoration of real peace - President's speech at the first parliamentary summit of the Crimea Platform, 25 October 2022






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