The New World Order According to Putin

President Putin's Essays, Statements, Executive Orders and Speeches On War

Vladimir Putin

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Beschreibung zu „The New World Order According to Putin“

In 2014 Vladimir Putin gave a speech at the Valdai International Discussion Club XI session on 24 October 2014, in Sochi City. The overall meeting's theme was "The World Order: New Rules or a Game without Rules?" In a 40-minute speech Putin underlined the depth of the rift between Moscow and the West accusing the United States of endangering global security by imposing a "unilateral diktat" on the rest of the world and shifted blame for the Ukraine crisis onto the West. The Financial Times called the speech "one of most important foreign policy statements". In addition, this edition is enriched with the complete articles, essays, executive orders, statements and speeches of Vladimir Putin which paint a full picture of his stance toward Ukraine and Russia's position in the world.






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