The Torrent (Entre Naranjos)

Vicente Blasco Ibañez

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Beschreibung zu „The Torrent (Entre Naranjos)“

Vicente Blasco Ibáñez's novel, 'The Torrent (Entre Naranjos),' is a gripping tale set in the lush orange groves of Valencia, Spain. The book delves into themes of love, betrayal, and social class, showcasing Ibáñez's talent for vivid storytelling and intricate character development. Written in a naturalistic style, the novel seamlessly weaves together the personal struggles of its characters with the larger social issues of the time, providing a nuanced reflection of Spanish society in the early 20th century. Ibáñez's use of vivid imagery and evocative language immerses the reader in the beauty and turmoil of the Spanish landscape. 'The Torrent' is a classic work of Spanish literature that continues to captivate readers with its timeless themes and rich prose. Recommended for those interested in Spanish literature, social realism, and historical fiction.


Good Press




ca. 262





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