Queen Berngerd, The Bard and the Dreams, and Other Ballads

Epic Ballads and Bardic Tales: A Lyrical Journey through Folklore and Fantasy

Various Thomas James Wise

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Beschreibung zu „Queen Berngerd, The Bard and the Dreams, and Other Ballads“

In "Queen Berngerd, The Bard and the Dreams, and Other Ballads," a collection of diverse poetic narratives, readers are invited into a rich tapestry of medieval lore and romanticism. The anthology captures the essence of balladry, blending lyrical beauty with narrative depth, offering tales that range from the tragic to the sublime. Each ballad is steeped in historical context, revisiting a world where stories of love, intrigue, and heroism intertwine, showcasing the author's adeptness at evoking emotion through rhythm and imagery, reminiscent of the great ballad traditions of Europe. The various authors contributing to this collection bring a unique array of backgrounds and inspirations, steeped in folklore and tradition. Many are renowned for their exploration of themes such as identity, loss, and the human experience, reflecting a collective understanding of the human heart through the ages. Their shared passion for storytelling is palpable, providing insight into the cultural and emotional threads that connect us across time and space, thus adding layers of meaning to each verse. "Queen Berngerd, The Bard and the Dreams, and Other Ballads" is a must-read for lovers of poetry and history alike. It invites readers to explore the human experience through the lens of ballads that are both timeless and relevant. This exquisite collection will resonate with anyone seeking to be transported to a world where dreams and narratives converge in haunting melodies.


Good Press




ca. 9





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