Studying the short-story

Sixteen short-story classics with introductions, notes and a new laboratory study method for individual reading and use in colleges and schools

Various Authors J. Berg Esenwein

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Beschreibung zu „Studying the short-story“

Studying the Short-Story is a comprehensive exploration of the genre, featuring a diverse range of short stories from various authors. The book delves into the literary techniques used in crafting short stories, including character development, plot structure, and narrative style. Readers will find themselves immersed in the world of short fiction, gaining a deeper understanding and appreciation for this unique form of storytelling. Each story is analyzed in detail, providing insights into the themes and messages conveyed by the authors. This book is a valuable resource for students and enthusiasts of literature, offering a rich tapestry of short stories to study and enjoy. The collection showcases the diversity and complexity of the short-story genre, making it a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the intricacies of literary fiction. From classic tales to contemporary works, Studying the Short-Story provides a treasure trove of literary gems waiting to be discovered.

Über Various Authors

There are twenty-six contributors to this collection: Gerry Boland, Barbara Boyd-Anderson, Arthur Broomfield, Martin Byrne, Marion Clarke, Dominique Cleary, Richard Clune, Paddy Doherty, William Doyle, Eamon Duffin, Reed James, Andrew Joyce, Ndrek Gjini, Graham Heneghan, Rose Kelleher, Chloe Kiely, Mitch Lavender, Ciaran McLoughlin, Alan McMonagle, Kieran Marsh, Noel O’Regan, Atila Racz, Dorothy Reed, Sean Turner, Dan Walsh, Margaret Zheng.


Good Press




ca. 330





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