1997 Special Investigation in Connection with 1996 Federal Election Campaigns

United States Senate Committee

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Beschreibung zu „1997 Special Investigation in Connection with 1996 Federal Election Campaigns“

The 1997 Special Investigation in Connection with 1996 Federal Election Campaigns, authored by the United States Senate Committee, delves into the intricate details of the campaign finance scandal that rocked the political landscape in the late 1990s. The book meticulously examines the sources of illegal campaign contributions, the violations of election laws, and the repercussions of these illicit activities on the integrity of the electoral process. Written in a concise and objective manner, this report provides a comprehensive overview of the events surrounding the controversy, making it an invaluable resource for those interested in understanding the complexities of political fundraising and campaign finance regulation in the United States. The Committee's investigation sheds light on the inner workings of political campaigns and the ethical dilemmas that arise when money influences the democratic process. This book serves as a critical analysis of the challenges facing campaign finance reform and underscores the importance of transparency and accountability in political fundraising. Readers seeking a deeper insight into the intersection of money and politics will find this book to be a thought-provoking and enlightening read.


Good Press




ca. 294





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