Eighth report of the United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala

United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala

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Beschreibung zu „Eighth report of the United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala“

The Eighth Report of the United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala provides a comprehensive overview of the Mission's findings and observations regarding the implementation of the peace agreements in Guatemala. The report delves into various aspects of the peace process, including human rights, socio-economic development, and political participation. Written in a detailed and analytical style, the book offers valuable insights into the challenges and progress made in post-conflict Guatemala. The report is an essential read for scholars and policymakers interested in peacebuilding and conflict resolution in Latin America. Its thorough analysis and thorough documentation make it a valuable resource for understanding the complexities of post-conflict transitions. The author, the United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala, draws on its expertise and experience in the region to provide a nuanced and informative account of the peace process in Guatemala. The Mission's dedication to promoting peace and stability shines through in this report, making it a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of peacebuilding efforts in Guatemala.


Good Press




ca. 21





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