The Ideal Sponger Life: Volume 10 (Light Novel)

Tsunehiko Watanabe


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Beschreibung zu „The Ideal Sponger Life: Volume 10 (Light Novel)“

In response to the king and crown prince’s maneuverings, Zenjiro decides to change up his tactics in the Twin Kingdoms. His main mission remains to find a healer for his pregnant wife, but Aura has taught him some tricks of statecraft that may help him get ahead. Zenjirou isn’t the only royal heading to the Twin Kingdoms, though—Princess Freya wants to tag along to make some deals of her own!

Zenjirou’s first meeting is with Prince Francesco, which seems like the perfect opportunity to get a professional opinion on Capua’s glass-making efforts. The prince is in for a real shock but has a revelation that’s just as surprising for Zenjirou.

And that’s to say nothing of Zenjirou’s hopes for a healer. Finding one will mean negotiating with yet more people... Just how will Zenjirou and Freya fare in their political dealings abroad?


J-Novel Club




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