Santa Claus's Partner (Musaicum Christmas Specials)

Thomas Nelson Page

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Beschreibung zu „Santa Claus's Partner (Musaicum Christmas Specials)“

Musaicum Books presents the Musaicum Christmas Specials. We have selected the greatest Christmas novels, short stories and fairy tales for this joyful and charming holiday season, for all those who want to keep the spirit of Christmas alive with a heartwarming tale.
Santa Claus's Partner is a heart-warming story of the spirit and magic of Christmas. The wealthy old man realizes that he is miserable and that his life is lacking the things that are most important, so he decides to change his ways. He takes on the young daughter of his clerk to become Santa Claus's partner and the two of them distribute gifts to poor children who would not have gifts otherwise. He saves his last gift for the little girl and her family.


Musaicum Books




ca. 75





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