They Came to Slay

The Queer Culture of D&D

Thom James Carter

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Beschreibung zu „They Came to Slay“

Since its inception decades ago, the tabletop roleplaying game Dungeons & Dragons has offered an escape from the real world, the chance to enter distant realms, walk in new shoes, and be part of immersive, imaginative tales as they unfold. More so, in Thom James Carter's opinion, it's a perfect vessel for queer exploration and joy.
Journey on, adventurer, as Dungeon Master Thom invites readers into the game's exciting queer, utopian possibilities, traversing its history and contemporary evolution, the queer potential resting within gameplay, the homebrewers making it their own, stories from fellow players, and the power to explore and examine identity and how people want to lead their lives in real and imagined worlds alike.
Grab a sword and get your dice at the ready, this queer adventure is about to begin.
(Please note this title is unaffiliated with Dungeons & Dragons.)


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