United Nations Security Council Resolution 1966

International Disarmament: A Critical Analysis of Security Council Resolution 1966

the United Nations

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Beschreibung zu „United Nations Security Council Resolution 1966“

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1966, adopted in December 2010, establishes the framework for the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA). The resolution emerges against a backdrop of complex geopolitical instability in Mali, marked by a coup, ethnic tensions, and extremist threats. Written in a formal diplomatic tone, the text underscores the necessity of a comprehensive approach to peacekeeping and civilian protection. By addressing issues of human rights, the rule of law, and national reconciliation, it highlights the UN's evolving role in global governance and its commitment to international peace and security. The United Nations, founded in 1945, embodies the collaborative efforts of its member states to promote peace, security, and cooperation across nations. The creation of Resolution 1966 reflects the UN's ongoing response to emerging crises and showcases the institution's legal framework, as well as its capacity for adaptive peacekeeping strategies. The resolution stands as a testament to the UN's historical role in addressing conflicts while echoing the voices of member states seeking stability in their regions. This resolution is a crucial resource for scholars, policymakers, and students of international relations. It offers insights into contemporary peacekeeping missions and the complexities of international diplomacy. By studying this document, readers will gain a deeper understanding of how the UN navigates crises, providing a valuable reference for anyone interested in peace and security studies.


Good Press




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