The Browning Version

Terence Rattigan

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Beschreibung zu „The Browning Version“

Rattigan's well-loved play about an unpopular schoolmaster who snatches a last shred of dignity from the collapse of his career and his marriage. Twice filmed (with Michael Redgrave and Albert Finney) and frequently revived.
Andrew Crocker-Harris' wife Millie has become embittered and fatigued by her husband's lack of passion and ambition. On the verge of retirement, and divorce, Andrew is forced to come to terms with the platitude his life has become. Then John Taplow, a previously unnoticed pupil, gives Andrew an unexpected parting gift: a second-hand copy of Robert Browning's translation of Agamemnon - a gift which offers not only a opportunity for redemption, but the chance to gain back some dignity.
This edition also contains Harlequinade, a farce about a touring theatre troupe, written to accompany The Browning Version in a double-bill under the joint title, Playbill. The plays are presented with an authoritative introduction, biographical sketch and chronology by Dan Rebellato.
'The cruel inequalities of love always absorbed Rattigan, not least here - this is a play that has not dated.' The Times

Über Terence Rattigan

Terence Rattigan wurde 1911 in London geboren. Er wuchs als Sohn eines Diplomaten auf und studierte in Oxford. Rattigan schrieb über zwanzig Theaterstücke und eine Vielzahl von Drehbüchern. Er gilt als einer der prominenten Vertreter des "well made play". Seine Gesellschaftsstücke sind bis heute fester Bestandteil des britischen Theaters. Sein in Deutschland bekanntestes Stück "The Winslow Boy" (Der Fall Winslow) wurde mehrfach verfilmt, zuletzt 1999 in der Regie von David Mamet. Terence Rattigan starb 1977 in Hamilton/Bermuda.


Nick Hern Books




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