The Hidden Power, and Other Papers upon Mental Science

Unleashing Your Inner Power: A Journey into Mental Science

T. Troward

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Beschreibung zu „The Hidden Power, and Other Papers upon Mental Science“

In "The Hidden Power, and Other Papers upon Mental Science," T. Troward presents a profound exploration of the principles underlying mental science, emphasizing the transformative power of thought. The book is crafted through a series of essays that merge philosophical inquiry with practical applications, revealing how one's mental state can influence external realities. Written in the early 20th century, Troward's work is situated within the New Thought movement, which sought to unveil the interconnections between consciousness, spiritual awareness, and personal empowerment. The prose is accessible yet intellectually robust, inviting readers to engage deeply with the concepts presented. T. Troward, a key figure in the New Thought movement, was influenced by his experiences in India and his engagement with theosophical teachings. His background as a judge in India provided him a unique lens through which to examine the complexities of thought and belief systems, enabling him to articulate a philosophy that advocates for the innate power each individual possesses. Troward's synthesis of Eastern and Western philosophies laid the groundwork for modern self-help and existential discourse. This book is highly recommended for readers seeking to deepen their understanding of the relationship between mind and reality. Troward's insights are not only relevant for spiritual seekers but also for anyone interested in psychological empowerment. Dive into this essential text and unlock the hidden power of your own thoughts and beliefs.


Good Press




ca. 154





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