The History of England

From the Accession of Henry III. to the Death of Edward III. (1216-1377)

William Hunt Reginald Lane Poole T. F. Tout

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Beschreibung zu „The History of England“

T. F. Tout's 'The History of England' is a seminal work that delves into the detailed accounts of England's political, social, and cultural evolution. Written in a concise yet thorough manner, Tout's literary style is characterized by a meticulous attention to factual accuracy and a keen analysis of historical events. The book is a valuable resource for scholars and students alike, providing a comprehensive overview of England's past from its earliest days to the present. Tout's work stands out in its ability to contextualize historical events within a broader framework, allowing readers to grasp the interconnectedness of various historical periods. With a focus on political intrigue and societal developments, 'The History of England' offers a rich tapestry of information for those interested in the complexities of English history. T. F. Tout, a renowned historian and expert in English history, brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his writing. His meticulous research and dedication to historical accuracy shine through in this magnum opus, making it a cornerstone in the study of English history. For anyone seeking a comprehensive and insightful account of England's past, 'The History of England' is a must-read.

Über William Hunt

William Hunt was an early 20th century author who is believed to be the ghost-story-writing pseudonym of a famous critic and essayist of the time. His exact identity remains unknown.


Good Press




ca. 623





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