SELinux Cookbook

Sven Vermeulen

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Beschreibung zu „SELinux Cookbook“

In SELinux Cookbook, we cover everything from how to build SELinux policies to the integration of the technology with other systems and look at a wide range of examples to assist in creating additional policies. The first set of recipes work around file labeling as one of the most common and important SELinux administrative aspects. Then, we move on to custom policy development, showing how this is done for web application confinement, desktop application protection, and custom server policies. Next, we shift our focus to the end user, restricting user privileges and setting up role-based access controls. After that, we redirect our focus to the integration of SELinux with Linux systems, aligning SELinux with existing security controls on a Linux system. Finally, we will learn how applications interact with the SELinux subsystem internally; ensuring that whatever the challenge, we will be able to find the best solution.


Packt Publishing




ca. 234





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