The Satires of Juvenal, Persius, Sulpicia, and Lucilius

Literally translated into English prose, with notes, chronological tables, arguments, &c

Sulpicia Persius Gaius Lucilius Juvenal

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Beschreibung zu „The Satires of Juvenal, Persius, Sulpicia, and Lucilius“

In 'The Satires of Juvenal, Persius, Sulpicia, and Lucilius,' readers are invited to journey through the rich tapestry of Roman satire, a genre that has shaped the contours of literary expression since antiquity. This anthology presents a striking array of works that capture the wit, irony, and critical eye turned towards society by these storied authors. From Persius's biting observations to the ribald humor found in Lucilius, the collection shines a light on the diversity of style and subject matter in Roman satirical literature, all while offering cohesive thematic explorations of power, morality, and societal vices. The contributing satirists'ÄîPersius, Gaius Lucilius, Juvenal, and the enigmatic Sulpicia'Äîrepresent a cross-section of Roman thought that spans the tumultuous milieu of the late Republic and early Empire. Each author brings forth unique perspectives forged by their individual contexts and styles, yet together they form a chorus that transcends their era. This collection not only navigates the intersections between history, culture, and literature but also aligns with the impulses of Stoicism, Cynicism, and even proto-feminism, as seen through Sulpicia's contributions. For scholars, students, and enthusiasts of classical literature, this anthology offers a significant opportunity to engage with a multifaceted dialogue that echoes across centuries. 'The Satires of Juvenal, Persius, Sulpicia, and Lucilius' encourages readers to explore the genre's enduring commentary on human folly and virtue, drawing connections between ancient and modern narratives. It serves as a doorway into a special literary realm where satire's keen lens scrutinizes both the mundane and the monumental, enriching our understanding of the world yesterday and today.


Good Press




ca. 746





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