Steve Jobs Decoded

Take A Deep Dive Into The Mind Of The Visionary Technology Wizard (Extended Edition)

Success Decoded

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Beschreibung zu „Steve Jobs Decoded“

Steve Jobs Decoded

Visionary technology wizard

Learn about themes like:

Renovating an industry

Reinventing the world

How to push yourself and your company forward

Think different

You will also learn the following:

Learn how to fix mistakes effectively, become passionate and seize every opportunity.

Shape your future through innovation, failure and the sense of your own mortality.

Love what you do, don’t waste your mistakes, and remember you’ll die.

You will discover his answers to all of these questions:


Are you too young to reinvent the world?

How to create innovative products?

Why being a visionary pays off?

How to push an industry forward?

Why you need to be passionate for things to work out?

Failure and mistakes

How to recover from failure?

How to keep your faith during difficult times?

Should you get into businesses where many others have failed?

How to fix mistakes?

The meaning of life

Why is it lucky to know for sure what you love to do?

Why it’s important to remember you’ll die?

Do you really need to graduate from college?

Why nothing in life goes to waste?

Why is death necessary?

How your childhood experiences shape your future?

What’s the most important thing of getting rich?


How to organize a successful company?

Why hierarchies are useless within a company?

How to seize an opportunity?

Is it hard to learn how to do business?

So, get started right now.

Decode Steve Jobs and level up!






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