
Stephanie Feldman

Hörbuch Romane Fantasy

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Beschreibung zu „Saturnalia“

It's the winter solstice in a Philadelphia that has been eroded by extreme weather, economic collapse, and disease-carrying mosquitoes. The Saturnalia carnival is about to begin - an evening on which nearly everyone, rich or poor, forgets their troubles for a moment. Nina hasn't attended Saturnalia in three years, since she walked away from the elite Saturn Club. But when she gets a chance call from Max, her last remaining friend from the Club, Nina will put on a dress of blackest black and attend the wild solstice masquerade, the biggest party of the year, on a mysterious errand she can't turn down. Before the night is over, she will become the custodian of a horrifying secret - and the target of a mysterious hunter. Nina is forced to confront her past so she can finally take charge of her own, and perhaps everyone else's, future.

Gelesen von:

Jennifer Woodward


Isis Audio




7 Std. 14 Min.





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