Emojis on the Loose

Why Emely would never again be quite sure, what all the things are that cannot be

Simone Johnson

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Beschreibung zu „Emojis on the Loose“

Emely`s mobile gets left behind in the forest. This was, of course, everyone else`s fault, and not hers. So that means a new (and much better) smartphone had better be waiting for her on her birthday! Not a bad outcome really, thought the 10-year-old wannabe teenager. But her old emojis were not nearly so impressed. Things started off OK, with a lucky escape from the abandoned mobile, but then the problems just came thick and fast. Some of them could be blamed on the forest, but others were entirely homemade. Only one goal could unite the squabbling emojis - the grand plan to confront their girl face to face - an encounter that the first guest of state of the Free Emoji Republic would never, ever forget!


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