The Kitchen

Simone Buchholz

Hörbuch Romane Krimis

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Beschreibung zu „The Kitchen“

Hamburg State Prosecutor Chastity Riley and her colleagues investigate the murders of men with a history of abuse towards women . . . as a startling, horrifying series of revelations emerge. When neatly packed male body parts wash up by the River Elbe, Hamburg State Prosecutor Chastity Riley and her colleagues begin a perplexing investigation. As the murdered men are identified, it becomes clear that they all had a history of abuse towards women, leading Riley to wonder if it would actually be in society's best interests to catch the killers. But when her best friend Carla is attacked, and the police show little interest in tracking down the offender, Chastity takes matters into her own hands and as a link between the two cases emerges, horrifying revelations threaten Chastity's own moral compass . . . and put everything at risk.

Gelesen von:

Imogen Church


Isis Audio




5 Std. 22 Min.





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