Amanda’s Dream امینڈا کا خواب

Shelley Admont KidKiddos Books

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Beschreibung zu „Amanda’s Dream امینڈا کا خواب“

English Urdu bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or Urdu as their second language.
In this insightful children's picture book, you will meet Amanda, a young girl who had a lot to learn about hard work and how to make her dreams a reality. Join Amanda to her wonderful journey, and learn with her how to find your goal and make it come true. You will watch her face challenges but never give up along her path to achieving her goal. "Amanda's Dream" is a motivational book for children and their parents. This is the first book in a collection of short motivational kids' stories. This series will help your children develop the skills and principles to achieve a happy, fulfilling, and successful life.


KidKiddos Books







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