Barefoot Study Guide

Sharon Garlough Brown

Religiöse Ratgeber

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Beschreibung zu „Barefoot Study Guide“

The journeys of Hannah, Meg, Charissa, and Mara take unexpected turns in Barefoot, the third book of the Sensible Shoes series. In this study guide author Sharon Garlough Brown has crafted a practical resource to help you process the characters' stories and explore the novel's spiritual formation themes more deeply. You'll find twelve weeks of daily Scripture readings, reflection questions, and invitations to prayer, with weekly discussion questions and practices for groups to do together. Each week also features a list of spiritual disciplines used by the characters that you can incorporate into your own life with God. Individually or with a group, as you walk with the women of Sensible Shoes on holy ground, you'll be invited to encounter God in significant new ways.


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