Pentaho Business Analytics Cookbook

Sergio Ramazzina

Medizin, Wissenschaft & Technik

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Beschreibung zu „Pentaho Business Analytics Cookbook“

In Detail

Pentaho Business Analytics 5 is a complete open source business intelligence suite, providing data integration, OLAP, reporting, data visualization, and data mining features. Pentaho Business Analytics Cookbook provides you with a valuable and detailed set of recipes that illustrate all the features of Pentaho Business Analytics 5, the new version of the popular BI platform. The book provides clear illustrations and simple examples, helping you learn the core topics visually.


This practical guide contains a wide variety of recipes, taking you through all the topics you need to quickly familiarize yourself with Pentaho and extend your Pentaho skillset.

Who this book is for

If you are involved in daily activities using Pentaho Business Analytics platform, this is the book for you. It is a good companion to get you quickly acquainted with everything you need to increase your productivity with the platform. We assume basic familiarity with Pentaho, data warehouse design and SQL, HTML, and XML.


Packt Publishing




ca. 345





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