Angry Land

Samuel A Peeples

Abenteuer & Western

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Beschreibung zu „Angry Land“

He pays his debts with hot lead! This is the story of a kid who turns killer, a boy who grows to manhood long before his time. Seeing no justice in the land, he takes the law into his own lightning swift hands.The legend that grows around Billy Bascom is born the day they planted the cross that read: 'Here lie Ben Ober and Jim Boone; hanged for cattle rustling May 14, 1880.'There should have been a third name on that board: that of Billy Bascom. But the kid had been rescued from Jason Ryan's lynch party just in time. The thirst to avenge the death of his friends, and the murder of his saviour, has changed Billy into New Mexico's most ruthless gunslinger.And no man is going to be his undoing.


Robert Hale




ca. 168





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