Mercury in Signs

Vedic Astrology

Saket Shah

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Beschreibung zu „Mercury in Signs“

We always wonder that every sign in Vedic astrology has different meaning and results. So how does the planet sitting in it will behave. So in this book I am describing how Mercury will give results in different zodiac signs in most possible and descriptive way. The planet behavior changes along with the sign it sits in and give different results. Every sign itself is a mystery and planet sitting in sign becomes more mysterious and gives results in very different pattern. Planet is nothing but a cosmic energy which in particular location in zodiac during our birth impacts our entire life the way we think and the way we behave and also controls our emotions. The glands in our brain reacts to this cosmic energy and creates a certain characteristic in our life patter and day to day life and we can understand this by understanding our horoscope and by checking which sign the planet is sitting and how it impacts our thinking and life. I hope you will love this book and enjoy reading.






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