Kendo UI Mobile

Practical recipes to learn the Kendo UI Mobile library and its various components for building mobile applications effectively

Sagar Ganatra

Medizin, Wissenschaft & Technik

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Beschreibung zu „Kendo UI Mobile“

The Kendo UI Mobile library is a one stop solution to build mobile applications rapidly. It comes with several built-in widgets that enable application developers to build intuitive applications for small screen devices. It also provides more control to these developers by providing various components that can be extended or configured to match their needs.

Instant Kendo UI Mobile How-to takes a deep look at various components of the Kendo UI Mobile library and provides solutions to common use cases involved in building a mobile application. It enables application developers to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build mobile applications that provide a native look and feel on various platforms such as iOS, Android, and BlackBerry without having to maintain a separate code base.

This guide introduces the user to the Kendo UI Mobile library and provides a step-by-step approach to creating your first mobile application. It then introduces you to several components and provides solutions to some of the common use cases you may encounter in your development.

The Kendo UI Mobile library is composed of two parts – the aplication framework and a set of widgets. The aplication framework focuses on configuring the application, handling various touch-based events, rendering on different devices to provide a native look and feel, and transitioning from one view to the other. The widget library contains several widgets that enable you to build applications more rapidly than ever before.


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