Early Days Of Washington

S. Somervell Mackall

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Beschreibung zu „Early Days Of Washington“

Miss Mackall in the 'Early Days of Washington' has written and compiled one of the first histories of Washington and of the District of Columbia which shows mark of authority and careful preparation. The work is the result of years of study and toil, and we have, in consequence, a book of more than local interest. It is, necessarily, largely biographical, and here Miss Mackall has had exceptional facilities. Belonging to one of the oldest and best-known of the District families, her forefathers being socially thrown with the makers of Washington history, many incidents of interest, which otherwise would have been lost, have been handed down and are now told in print for the first time. Says The Washington Evening Star: "It reads almost like a romance. There was much to fill the lives of the residents then that is absent now. The social existence was essentially different, the community was closer together and more self-dependent."


Jazzybee Verlag




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