Magic Stone Gourmet: Eating Magical Power Made Me the Strongest Volume 3 (Light Novel)

Ryou Yuuki


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Beschreibung zu „Magic Stone Gourmet: Eating Magical Power Made Me the Strongest Volume 3 (Light Novel)“

While serving as the king’s proxy in Euro, Ein unexpectedly crosses paths with Glint and discovers that Heim’s third prince has been desperately searching for Krone! Then after a startling incident devastates the Ishtarican royal family, Ein must face the true nature of his power. With his loyal allies alongside him, Ein ventures to Magic City Ist for answers, but soon learns that all is not well within the city’s streets; a rash of kidnapped orphans has Ist’s citizens cowering in fear. The prince starts working with chief researcher Professor Oz in exchange for information in hopes of finding the culprit. Can Ein solve the case behind the kidnappings? And will he discover that there may be more to Professor Oz than first impressions imply?


J-Novel Club




ca. 185





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