The New Army in Training

Rudyard Kipling

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Beschreibung zu „The New Army in Training“

Rudyard Kipling's 'The New Army in Training' is a detailed account of the British Army's preparations for World War I, showcasing Kipling's unique blend of storytelling and journalistic writing. Published in 1915, the book delves into the logistics of training new recruits, the challenges faced by soldiers, and the strategies employed to build a formidable army. Kipling's vivid descriptions and eye for detail provide readers with an immersive look into the war effort, making it a valuable historical document of the time. The book's straightforward prose and meticulous research reflect the author's deep respect for the military and his desire to accurately capture their experiences during this critical period. Ultimately, 'The New Army in Training' serves as a compelling narrative of the sacrifice and dedication of those who served in the war, shedding light on the human side of conflict.

Über Rudyard Kipling

Joseph Rudyard Kipling (Bombay, 1865-Londres, 1936), autor de relatos y cuentos infantiles, novelista y poeta, se le recordará, sobre todo, por sus obras infantiles. Entre ellas, destacan El libro de la Selva (1894), el relato corto El hombre que pudo ser rey (1888), la novela de espionaje Kim (1901), y Puck de la colina de Pook (1906), algunos de ellos, llevados al cine. Después de rechazar el premio nacional de poesía Poet Laureat en 1895, la Order of Merit y el título de Sir de la Order of the British Empire, Kipling aceptó el Premio Nobel de Literatura de 1907 convirtiéndose en el ganador más joven hasta la fecha de este premio, y en el primer escritor británico en recibir este galardón.


Good Press




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