Practical Exercises in Elementary Meteorology

Robert DeCourcy Ward

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Beschreibung zu „Practical Exercises in Elementary Meteorology“

Robert DeCourcy Ward's 'Practical Exercises in Elementary Meteorology' is a foundational text that delves into the basics of meteorology through hands-on exercises and practical applications. The book not only provides a comprehensive overview of meteorological concepts, but also offers readers the opportunity to engage with the material through interactive exercises, making it an invaluable resource for students and enthusiasts looking to deepen their understanding of the subject. Ward's clear and concise writing style coupled with detailed explanations make this book accessible to readers of all levels, from beginners to more advanced learners. This work is a must-read for individuals seeking a solid foundation in meteorology and looking to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. Additionally, Ward's expertise in the field of meteorology shines through in his meticulous explanations and practical exercises, making him a trusted authority in the subject matter.


Good Press




ca. 195





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