The Call to Follow

Hearing Jesus in a Culture Obsessed with Leadership

Richard Langer Joanne J. Jung

Hörbuch Sachbuch Religion & Glaube

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Beschreibung zu „The Call to Follow“

The market is flooded with books, conferences, and workshops on how to be a better leader. In most companies, leaders are noticed and applauded while followers are often viewed as weak and passive. However, Scripture tells us a different story; although leadership is valued and respected, being obedient followers of Christ is at the very heart of faith.
In The Call to Follow, Richard Langer and Joanne J. Jung teach readers that "followership" is essential to both organizational and spiritual flourishing. They argue that followership requires the development of specific skills and virtues modeled and extolled throughout Scripture. They point to examples of people from the Bible and church history who focused on following in the footsteps of their Savior rather than climbing a ladder of leadership. This helpful audiobook reexamines the nature of both leadership and followership, pointing to the life-transforming power of following Christ.

Gelesen von:

Lloyd James






5 Std. 31 Min.





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