Peace Manoeuvres

Richard Harding Davis

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Beschreibung zu „Peace Manoeuvres“

Richard Harding Davis's 'Peace Manoeuvres' is a captivating novel that delves into the complexities of relationships and the dynamics of social class in late 19th-century America. Written in a crisp and engaging style, Davis skillfully weaves together multiple storylines that explore themes of love, honor, and duty. The novel is set against the backdrop of elite society and the military, providing a unique insight into the cultural norms and values of the time. Davis's attention to detail and character development make 'Peace Manoeuvres' a compelling read for those interested in historical fiction and social commentary. Richard Harding Davis, a prominent American journalist and author, drew on his own experiences as a war correspondent to bring authenticity and depth to his writing. His keen observations of human behavior and society shine through in 'Peace Manoeuvres', showcasing his talent for vivid storytelling and insightful commentary. I highly recommend 'Peace Manoeuvres' to readers who enjoy historical fiction with a focus on character-driven narratives and social themes. Davis's nuanced portrayal of relationships and his exploration of societal expectations make this novel a must-read for anyone interested in the complexities of human nature and the impact of social class.


Good Press




ca. 19





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