Historical Record of the Third, Or the King's Own Regiment of Light Dragoons

Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1685, and of Its Subsequent Services to 1846

Richard Cannon

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Beschreibung zu „Historical Record of the Third, Or the King's Own Regiment of Light Dragoons“

Richard Cannon's 'Historical Record of the Third, Or the King's Own Regiment of Light Dragoons' provides a comprehensive account of the military history, organizational structure, and notable campaigns of this renowned cavalry regiment. Written in a detailed and factual style, the book offers valuable insights into the life of a light dragoon during the 18th and 19th centuries, shedding light on the pivotal role played by these regiments in various historical conflicts. Cannon's meticulous research and attention to detail make this book a valuable resource for military historians and enthusiasts alike. The inclusion of primary sources and firsthand accounts further enhances the book's credibility and authenticity. Through its vivid descriptions and engaging narrative, the book immerses readers in the captivating world of light dragoons, making it a compelling read for anyone interested in military history or the Napoleonic era. Richard Cannon's expertise in military history and his passion for the subject shine through in this meticulously crafted work, making it a must-read for all those fascinated by the role of cavalry in warfare.


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