Google App Inventor Beginner's Guide

Ralph Roberts

Medizin, Wissenschaft & Technik

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Beschreibung zu „Google App Inventor Beginner's Guide“

In Detail

The number of mobile apps has grown exponentially in the last two years. If you want to join the crowd, Google's App Inventor is the easiest and best tool for you to get started with. It is a tool to create Android phone apps and uses a graphical user interface, and drag and drop methods to create apps. It's so simple that anyone can build an app.

Learn how Google App Inventor eliminates the mystery around programming. It is a visual language, where we simply drag and drop blocks (graphic elements representing blocks of code) in various combinations to give us applications that run on our phones or other Android-based devices. No programming background is required. Playing with blocks has never been more fun!

The emphasis is on creating apps that work and that you understand fully. The first part of the book gives you a sound foundation in the basics, and lots of tips on how to use App Inventor. The second part is all about creating complete apps ready for real world use. The book includes apps that communicate, use databases to remember, surf the Web and other networks, use GPS and various sensors on your phone, and let you write or play games.


This book is written in the Beginner's Guide format that takes the reader through a series of steps to build exciting apps using Google's App Inventor.

Who this book is for

This book is perfect for people with little or no experience, not just Android developers. No matter your level of experience, you will find plenty of information that you can use to create powerful apps, apps that can be published on Android Market and other places.


Packt Publishing




ca. 228





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