International Personality Item Pool


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Beschreibung zu „International Personality Item Pool“

In 'International Personality Item Pool', Psychometrics explores the intricacies of personality measurement using a comprehensive collection of items designed to assess various personality traits. The book delves into the methodology behind creating such a pool of items and the significance of standardized measurement tools in the field of psychology. With a focus on empirical research and statistical analysis, Psychometrics presents a thorough examination of personality assessment techniques within the context of modern psychology. The writing style is academic, making it a valuable resource for researchers, students, and professionals in the field. The book is a blend of theoretical foundations and practical applications, catering to both novice and experienced readers. With its emphasis on data-driven approaches, 'International Personality Item Pool' contributes to the advancement of personality psychology and psychometrics. Psychometrics is a renowned expert in the field of psychological measurement, having contributed significantly to the development of standardized tests and assessment tools. His expertise and experience shine through in this comprehensive exploration of personality measurement, making him a leading figure in the field. The book is recommended for anyone interested in a deep dive into the complexities of personality assessment and the role of psychometrics in shaping modern psychology. 'International Personality Item Pool' offers a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, and students looking to enhance their understanding of personality traits and measurement techniques.


Good Press




ca. 49





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