Code-It Workbook 2: Choices In Programming Using Scratch

Phil Bagge

Medizin, Wissenschaft & Technik

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Beschreibung zu „Code-It Workbook 2: Choices In Programming Using Scratch“

Code IT Primary Programming Series

Basic computer coding is now among the most important skills a child can have for their future. There are many programming languages designed specifically for children to begin their studies, but the Scratch programming language, already recognised in schools around the world, is widely considered as the ideal place to begin programming in early education.

The highly successful Code-It series is a comprehensive guide to teaching Scratch to children in a classroom setting. It is designed for the UK-based KS2 curriculum but can easily be used to supplement other programming courses for children between the ages of 7 and 11.

There are four pupil workbooks designed to work in conjunction with the Code-It teacher handbook. They provide structure and resources for the children, including optional homework activities to extend to learning outside the classroom.

Workbook 2 explains how to think, program and debug exciting programming projects such as Maths Quiz, Music Algorithm to Music Code, Slug Trail Game, Selection Investigation and Teach Your Computer To Do Maths . It also outlines how to use analytical computational thinking skills for algorithm design, algorithm evaluation, decomposition and generalisation; extend resilience and problem solving through the computational doing skills of converting algorithm into code and debugging; and consolidate sequence and repetition in programming whilst introducing selection and variable use.


University of Buckingham Press




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