What Ho! P. G. Wodehouse on Love

Paul Kent

Poesie, Lyrik & Prosa

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Beschreibung zu „What Ho! P. G. Wodehouse on Love“

"Jeeves, I'm engaged."
"I hope you will be very happy, sir."
"Don't be an ass. I'm engaged to Miss Bassett."
P. G. "Plum" Wodehouse was the father of the modern rom-com. In his hilarious fictional world, love is all around, in the air and a many-splendoured thing. It's a fact of life, ready and waiting to be fallen in and out of by his men and women, be they willing volunteers, helpless victims, or, like Bertie Wooster, sprinting in the opposite direction ("The voice of Love seemed to call to me, but it was a wrong number.")
The third of Paul Kent's occasional essays on matters Wodehousean leads us on a merry dance up those three steps to heaven, guiding us through some of the funniest and unlikely love stories ever written. An ideal present, in fact, for the love of your life.






ca. 38





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