A Damsel in Distress

P. G. Wodehouse

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Beschreibung zu „A Damsel in Distress“

P. G. Wodehouse is at his whimsical best as the characters of Belpher Castle muddle through impending catastrophes and ill-considered love affairs in this comedy of errors. George Bevan, an American composer of musicals, is in England to attend the performance of one. But when the Lady Patricia Maud Marsh slips into his taxi, he is drawn into the frivolous intrigues of Belpher Castle. George is mistaken for another American with whom Maud has fallen in love. Maud, in turn, is attempting to escape her aunt, Lady Caroline Byng, who is trying to marry Maud off to her step-son, Reginald. Meanwhile, her father, Lord John Marshmoreton, has fallen in love with an actress. As the Castle servants make bets on their Lords' and Ladies' capricious attachments, Wodehouse weaves a jaunty satire that will leave readers breathless with its twists and antics.


Ozymandias Press




ca. 228





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