Hart's Hope

Orson Scott Card

Science Fiction

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Beschreibung zu „Hart's Hope“

A dark and powerful fantasy from Orson Scott Card, the bestselling author of Ender's Shadow.

Enter the city of Hart's Hope, ruled by gods both powerful and indifferent, riddled with sorcery and revenge. The city was captured by a rebellious lord, Palicrovol, who overthrew the cruel king, Nasilee, hated by his people.

Palicrovol, too, was cruel, as befitted a king. He took the true mantle of kinghood by forcing Asineth, now Queen by her father's death, to marry him, raping her to consummate the marriage. [But he was not cruel enough to rule.] He let her live after her humiliation; live to bear a daughter; live to return from exile and retake the throne of Hart's Hope.

But she, in turn, sent Palicrovol into exile to breed a son who would, in the name of the God, take back the kingdom from its cruel Queen.

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Über Orson Scott Card

Orson Scott Card, 1951 in Richland/Washington geboren, studierte englische Literatur und arbeitete als Theaterautor, bevor er sich ganz dem Schreiben von Romanen widmete. Mit „Enders Spiel“ gelang ihm auf Anhieb ein internationaler Bestseller. Die Fortsetzung „Enders Schatten“ war ebenfalls ein großer Erfolg. Card lebt mit seiner Familie in Greensboro/North Carolina.


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