Life, Liberty, Luxury and Love? Part III

Olivier A. Guigues

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Beschreibung zu „Life, Liberty, Luxury and Love? Part III“

Mirabella had even booked a NetJets Excel, but unfortunately, their passenger never arrived. Leanna kindly asked one of her best friends working at the NSA to activate her access to the satellites. Using Echelon on another computer, she managed to jam the engine software on Veronica's chauffeured car. When the limo got closer to a truck in the opposite direction, she pushed the enter-key on her laptop. Within a second, the driver suffered a heart failure through an electrical discharge on the steering wheel; a wrong steering signal was sent to the servo-control as well as a brake jamming. The car jumped into the air, doing a barrel-roll and crashing on the other side of the A8, into the approaching truck transporting liquid gas.


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