Dirty Daddy Fairy Tales

Complete Boxed Set

Olivia Fox

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Beschreibung zu „Dirty Daddy Fairy Tales“

Stone-hearted Predator. Hired Gun.
But I call him “Daddy”.
Liam Whittaker.
A man who hides in the shadows to seek his prey. The battle scars on his face conceal him from the world. He’s a professional problem solver and I’m his biggest pain in the butt.
He’s formidable. Focussed. Chased by fiends both real and imagined.
But beneath the cynical, stern exterior lies a true and tender heart - one that needs to command me.
Too bad he’s employed by bad guys to haul me in and punish me for my so-called crimes.
Even though I’m tempted to remain and solve the mystery of his demanding discipline, I know I have to escape and flee from his desire.
He and I don’t stand a chance.
I’m his enemy. A computer hacking, book reading, board game playing nerd who pissed off the villains that sent Liam to find me. Once he delivers me to them, my geeky days on this earth are over.
But his lips scorch my soul and fuse me to him. They say that only in the darkness can you see the stars, and under the spell of twilight, his devouring kisses shoot me up to the heavens.
He tells me I’m a good girl. But I must run away, half-hoping all the while he’ll catch me and keep me.
From USA Today Bestseller Olivia Fox comes this enemies to lovers, alpha romance. Captured is part of her Dirty Fairy Tales series, inspired by Beauty and the Beast.
Each book is a standalone, naughty ever after.

Deep-sea diver left for dead. A speechless siren finds him on the deserted strand. A guy who battles sharks, near drowning, and oozes danger.

Eric García

The waves of fate tossed him up on the shores of my solitude, and for the first time since the collision, I feel safe.

A man who swims in the ocean depths, fearing nothing. Mentally and physically fit. He wants me to talk again. Why would he understand that I’ve stayed protected from the heartlessness of humans only by remaining here on the abandoned shore of the Pacific Ocean? Hiding. Silent.

He’s rough. Bold. And insists that I call him “daddy”. But how can I when a horrible incident took my words away forever?

Beneath the steely surface lies a devoted and gentle heart that I don’t want to disappoint - one that needs to claim me as his.

No way am I going back to village with him so he can spoil me like he says I deserve. Even though his firm hand and punishments make me squirm, in a good way, this won’t work.

I’m an unusual girl, twenty years his junior, who earns her living selling shellfish. The laughingstock of Briarville. Eric doesn’t know about the deal I sealed for my aunt’s silence - an arrangement I’d ruin by showing my face in town.

His kisses set off a sharp, wild need in me, and I hope that mine tell him without speech that I love him.

He demands that I’m his. But I realize this desire burning between us won’t survive the ugly that flourishes where the people are.

This age gap, alpha romance, Claimed is part of the Dirty Fairy Tales series, inspired by The Little Mermaid.

A real, live mountain man.
Zeke Midas.
A tasty morsel of a lumberjack at that.
He’s an axe-wielding tree feller, plain-spoken and burly. Back in high school, he barely knew I existed except for our weekly tutoring sessions. It pains me to admit it, I’ve never encountered a man yummier than him.
Now we’re both grown up, and he tells me it’s time to feed the wolf. That I’m the first and only female to speak to the animal he keeps hidden away.
I’m not so sure about that.
Zeke isn’t the only male to make my hormones sing, but he’s the only man I can’t forget.
So what is it between us?
Hormones, or happy ever after?
Every night he lays me bare, looking into my eyes as he takes me to the abyss, and shows me the darkest, most depraved secrets inside me. Somehow he knows more about what I want than I do myself. The things he reveals to me… they’re obscene, scandalous…
I can’t get enough of them.
When he tells me he needs me. I realize I have to get away. Otherwise, he’s going to pull me into the powerful dark side with him forever, and show me once and for all what my wicked body is made for.
Zeke is the wolf: a bad boy who likes to get his hands dirty. And just like that dark villain, he can see me better, hear me better and eat me better.
The question is, am I ready?

★This mountain man, friends to lovers, alpha romance, Ravished is part of the Dirty Fairy Tales series, inspired by Little Red Riding Hood.Transport yourself into the charming and magical town of Briarville and beyond. Follow these commanding yet gentle heroes on their quests to find lasting love and naughtiness on the real live Lost Coast of California.★






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