Daddy's Little Wild One

Olivia Fox

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Beschreibung zu „Daddy's Little Wild One“

An eccentric recluse, living in a treehouse in the woods to hide from her past. A doting daddy dom who stumbles into her hideaway, seeking refuge. Both physically scarred fro m their previous professions, can their love give them the courage to heal?

Jasper: With one look at those rose petal lips, luscious curves, and the gun she’s pointing at my forehead from the porch of her treehouse, I’m suddenly not only her captive but completely captivated by her.

I’ll keep her safe.

I’ll chase away the demons that left scars on her body and mind.

♥ I’ll teach her what it means to be mine, one lesson at a time. ♥

The first time she obeys my command, I let her know what a good girl she is. Only, this clever, wounded young woman doesn’t believe she deserves me as her protector and runs away to the very place I’ll never find. I can’t save her from the monsters in her mind, or the very real ones trying to find my baby girl in her isolated hideaway in the woods, if she won’t accept me as her guardian.

What I do know is, once I find her again, I’m never going to stop feeding my addiction for her. She’s mine, my body burns for her, and I’m not giving up until she understands she’s bound to me forever.

USA Today bestseller Olivia Fox is writing naughty ever afters. If you crave tingly feels, HEAs and love doting doms dive right in!






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