BU DONG (International English Edition)

When Strange Things Become Familiar

Oliver Meidl

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Beschreibung zu „BU DONG (International English Edition)“

“That sounds Greek to me,” “Das kommt mir spanisch vor,” and “Me suena a chino” are different expressions of lacking understanding. What are the reasons for mutual misunderstanding and the fear of the foreign?

“BU DONG” is all about eye-opening situations, great people, different lifestyles, and aims in life. The Chinese expression for “I don’t understand” serves as a metaphor for overcoming communication barriers in cultural exchange. Enjoy a collection of travel experiences in Europe, America, and Asia. A most informative fun read, seasoned with a pinch of humor.

“BU DONG” is light-hearted reading material, perfect for in-between. A look at an eventful period of life with tips on setting reasonable goals.

Great insight into “Do’s and Don’ts” in international dealings, a self-experiment in change management, and behavioral change coming with the digital revolution.

This book is all about international communications, outstanding individuals, and going places in life. An enlightening fun read that draws from long-term travel experience.

“BU DONG” contributes to the current debate about foreigners, a discussion about identity and the integration of new perspectives which it cuts to the core, short and crisp.

Now “BU DONG” is available both in English and German editions, as print edition or e-book. If you read just one book this year, make it this one!


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