Odd John

Olaf Stapledon

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Beschreibung zu „Odd John“

Olaf Stapledon's 'Odd John' is a groundbreaking work of science fiction that delves into the concept of the 'superman' or evolved human. Through the character of John Wainwright, a mutant with extraordinary mental abilities, Stapledon explores themes of evolution, society, and the limitations of human potential. The novel's narrative style is highly philosophical and thought-provoking, with a focus on intellectual discourse and introspection. Written in 1935, 'Odd John' was ahead of its time in its exploration of transhumanism and the ethical implications of genetic engineering. Stapledon's insightful portrayal of a future where humanity undergoes radical transformation challenges readers to reconsider their assumptions about human nature and the possibilities of the future. With its complex themes and compelling character development, 'Odd John' remains a seminal work in the science fiction genre, influencing generations of writers and thinkers. Fans of speculative fiction and philosophical inquiry will find 'Odd John' a thought-provoking and enriching read.


Good Press




ca. 232





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